Featured Post

Friday, October 21, 2016


hello. my name is Linda. I am a survivor of an abusive marriage.
this is my story of healing.

I thought I was through the tough part. I thought I was near the end of the process. I now know that my healing is just beginning.
I am writing to share, to purge, to be able to look at myself with new eyes and to maybe help another person.

In a span of five years, I endured the loss of my seventh and eighth babies to miscarriage, my son was diagnosed with leukemia and is now a veteran to 40 months of chemo-therapy, my husband was arrested for domestic assault, we sold our house- the one I designed and which I birthed four babies- leaving my children and me houseless but for the kindness of friends who allowed us to live in their homes over a four month period, we bought a broken-down 'fixer-upper', my daughter was diagnosed with moderate to severe OCD and placed in treatment, I was divorced, I totaled two Suburbans within six weeks of each other breaking a rib in two, was bitten by a venomous snake, and within a three month period various children had one broken bone, and twenty four stitches.

But this is not the story of where I have been or what I've been through.
This is the story of where I am going, how I get there, and who I become.

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